Cyprus Virtual Fieldtrips
Nature trail: Konni - Cyclops cave

We will now watch Nature trail Konnoi – Cyclops cave
This nature trail starts from the beach of Konnos and following a round path of 2.4 km long it ends at the cave of Cyclops. It is located in the area of Cavo Greco in the city of Famagusta. While walking through this breathtaking trail, on the edge of the mountain, you can enjoy the view of Cavo Greco Peninsula and the church of St. Anargyroi. It is an easy to walk trail and takes about 45 minutes to an hour to finish it. This nature trail together with the trail of St. Anargyroi – Konnoi, has about 400 species of plants. It is also characterised by the sclerophylous vegetation which comes from a Greek word meaning hard leaves and from the large number of Phoenicean Juniper known as Juniperus phoenicea. There are many endemic species of Cyprus in this area, such as Anthemis tricoloe and the Teucium micropodioides. Here you can see the Mediterranean Cypress, Shrubby Sea-Blide, Thomy Saltwort, Boxthorn, the common Thatching grass, the great Hedge-nettle, the wattle, the sea squill, Spiny Burnet, Caper, Eucalypt, olive tree, thyme.
In the Summer time where the temperature is very high, it is very common to come across some species of reptiles, such as lizards. The mammals of the area are hard to be seen, but sometimes you can come across a rabbit (Lepus europeus) or a fox (Vulpes Vulpes). At the end of the walking trip is the cave of the Cyclops, which is a mythical one-eye gigantic creature. However the cave is small and you have to bend in order to get inside. Here you can see the inside of the cave.
Have a virtual Field Trip!